to no God in particular
bring her luck and light and lovliness... i want my visions to take shape
a winter night... please help my friend to get the job she wants, and for her interview to go well... please push love on all the people tonight. let us all bask in the beauty
september 30th 2023, night... be sweet on me tonight. i could smell these leaves forever. i could lift my eyes forever and see the clouds moving there and be happy. please, i pray, bring me a light out of this darkness and bring me a sweetness and bring me art. please protect all the good people, and send them light and love and wisdom. O collection of complicated matter, wind me further.
november 21st, 2022 12:09AM....... Dear Lord, whoever you may be, please guide me to find motivation.... to find purpose, to find art and to find joy..... let me wake to the bristling sunlight and fall over in the bleaching moonlight. Let me always be open and receptive to new sensations and new worlds within our world. Today I was so grateful when i was on the beach and I had the overwhelming sensation that i was on the moon, walking on an entirely new orb than where i was born, it's so pretty to be swept away in an illusion and a feeling and a story that you see in your mind like a passing breeze. Guide me to this and guide me to creation. i have felt so empty lately, like i have nothing to give or create, but i know I must to survive. Please guide me oh Lord, I will let you be my shepard....
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